Media and TV Interviews
I collect a selection of TV and print media interviews as well as expert opinions in various media outlets on the turmoil in the banking sector that started with the collapse of the SVB bank in early March 2023. During March and April 2023, the interviews and quotes have been used in more than 1,000 media outlets in 38 countries. I will update these resources as new material becomes available.
Recent TV Interviews.
Watch a selection of TV Interviews on the recent banking stress.
Other TV Interviews & Print Media
DW Business America - Market rebound after panic
(Deutsche Welle, 14.03.2023)Neue Bankenkrise, Flucht und Umweltschutz
(Deutsche Welle, 21.03.2023) -
Silicon Valley Bank: Das Problem nennt sich Zinsrisiko
(Zeit Online. 14.03.2023)Bank fears spread to Europe, drag down shares of big lenders
(Associated Press, 15.03.2023)Deutsche Bank shares drop amid global jitters over banks
(Associated Press, 24.03.2023)Credit Suisse takeover hits heart of Swiss banking, identity
(Associated Press, 01.04.2023) -
Silicon Valley Bank: Schieflage mit Ansage
(Börsenzeitung, 14.03.2023)Bank fears spread to Europe, drag down shares of big lenders
(The Washington Post, 15.03.2023)Wie gefährlich ist das Straucheln der Credit Suisse?
(Spiegel Online, 15.03.2023)Column: QE sceptics fear Fed is in a hole
(Reuters, 22.03.2023)Bankenregulierung: Welche Konsequenzen folgen aus den Pleiten?
(Stern Online, 23.03.2023)Bankenregulierung: Welche Konsequenzen folgen aus den Pleiten?
(Capital, 23.03.2023)Der nächste Crash, er kommt bestimmt
(Wirtschaftswoche, 24.03.2023)Bundesbank spielt Risiken beim digitalen Euro durch
(Handelsblatt, 31.3.2023)